One of America’s favorite food writers is bringing a free weekly food justice lecture series to Columbia University this fall and it’s open to the public.
Mark Bittman, who joined the faculty of Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health last year, will be leading the weekly course series each Monday night from 6:00-7:30 p.m. at the school’s Vagelos Education Center in Washington Heights. Along with a hefty line-up of guest speakers, Bittman will dive into a new issue each week ranging from “the challenges of eating animals” to “U.S. food policy in the Trump era.”
The series started yesterday, September 11, and will run until just before Thanksgiving. Guests are welcome to attend as many sessions as they like but Mailman encourages registering online in advance to secure a spot. For example this week’s session on why food is a public health issue had a wait-list.
The course’s speaker line-up features prominent actors throughout the food system including Anna Lappé of Small Planet Institute, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene commissioner Mary Bassett, Ricardo Salvador of Union of Concerned Scientists, Congresswoman Chellie Pingree and chef Tom Colicchio among others.