Photos We Couldn’t Squeeze into our Current Issue: Blue Hill Cows, Tres Leche Cakes Made Uptown and Casa Mono Croquetas
Marie Vilojen Like this one because you can actually see what this stuff is, and why it’s called Knotweed! Also like the graphic, colorful nature of photos … especially compared to all the white dairy in this issue.
Blue Hill Farm Cows Jen Munkvold- Photographer I like this shot because who doesn’t love a good cow photo – and this one has a nice graphic quality.
Scott Gordon Bleicher We had a ton of great photos from the Saxelby story & I liked this one because you can get a sense of the dairy case, see some of the tools Ann uses and best of all – see the tasty cheese!
Sari Goodfriend These are the pumpkin and goat cheese croquetas at Casa Mono. I like this shot because you get to see the process of how the food is made – and each one is made individually. And they are made by the sheet full!
Sari Goodfriend These are pumpkin and goat cheese croquetas at Casa Mono. I like this shot because you get to see the process of how the food is made – and each one is made individually. And they are made by the sheet full!
Michael Gross I love the design of the yogurt containers and this is an interesting way to see them. Can also see how many yummy flavors there are of Siggi’s yogurt.
Even a week or two after the release of our first-ever Dairy Issue, we’re still thinking about some of the things we couldn’t squeeze in. For starters, plenty of photographs. The gallery above contains a few favorites that didn’t make the cut, as picked by our photo editor Rebecca McAlpin. The captions you see above are hers.
Also be sure to check out our profile of Murray’s Cheese and our story about tres leches cakes in upper Manhattan, both of which we’ve updated with full photo galleries including images that didn’t make it into the magazine.