Feast & Fettle is a fully-prepared meal service that delivers across the Northeast. And as of this month, they’re now serving Westchester! Enter for the chance to win four weeks of meals on the house, and cross grocery shopping and cooking off your to-do list for the month ahead. Weekly-curated menus are customizable for every kind of eater around your table. And valued at $636, your complimentary plan will account for couples’ portions of four entrées and six sides per week.
This Gift Is:
- Redeemable at any point,
- Deliverable to Westchester zip codes only, and…
- Secretly the gift of time—so you can win back moments from the clutches of daily chaos to connect over a meal.
This giveaway closes at 11:59 PM on January 21st, 2024, and the winner will be announced on the 22nd. To enter, fill in your name, email, physical address, and phone number on the form linked below.