This Mezcal Creyente Cocktail Brings the Stable Boy Home to Black Barn

partner tipIn Oaxaca there is a saying: “For everything bad, mezcal, and for everything good, too.” It makes sense, then, that Mezcal Creyente is the spirit of the summer, and has made its way behind the bar at Black Barn.

The rustic, American farm-to-table restaurant boasts a wine list of over 600 labels. Its executive chef, John Doherty, previously served as the executive chef of the Waldorf Astoria for over twenty years. Still, this summer, people are flocking to Black Barn for something a little more earthy: its bar’s Mezcal Creyente cocktail.

The drink—dubbed the Stable Boy—is the brainchild of Black Barn’s head bartender Jose Omar Hernandez.

“He’s been with us from the beginning,” says Jay Akin, Black Barn’s beverage director. “His family is from Mexico. He was really excited to put together this Mezcal Creyente cocktail. It’s also really true to our spirit. Our cocktail menu always uses seasonal ingredients. Of course we shop at all the farmers markets, but what we really want to do is express the attitude of the season.”

And in the middle of this topsy turvy American summer, the Stable Boy certainly does that. It’s the perfect drink for everything bad, and for everything good, too.

The Stable Boy

.75 oz Maestro Dobel Humito
.75 oz Creyente Mezcal
.75 oz lime
3/4 oz passion fruit/agave syrup
Spray Habanero tincture
1 egg white

Combine ingredients in shaker tin. Dry shake vigorously for egg emulsion. Add ice. Shake again vigorously. Strain into rocks glass over ice. Garnish with lime wheel and dash of cayenne.

Meghan Harlow

Meghan is the editor of Edible East End and Edible Long Island.

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